Fifty Years EBV

Creation and design of an anniversary campaign

50 years of company history. This needs to be celebrated! The anniversary campaign strongly positioned our customer, celebrated the success and also gave something back to the core focus – to all customers and suppliers who have accompanied this success story, but also to the environment.

Exemplary advertisement in the defined branding in the course of the company anniversary.
Merchandising balloon as an element for a trade fair for the company anniversary of our long-standing client from the electronics industry, which is supported by our creative agency.
A sweater with the new logo, which was specially designed for the company's anniversary and fits harmoniously into the overall branding, which was implemented by our advertising agency.
Mood image with the logo, which was designed as part of the marketing campaign for the company's 50th anniversary.

Creation of the claim and action plan

To create this campaign, we looked for the drivers of success. At its core, this is the team’s motivation. With a passion for technology, the Field Application Engineers search for the best solutions every day and advise their customers on the selection of the most suitable electronic components. To emphasize this, we created the claim “Passion for Technology”, which is still anchored in our branding far beyond the anniversary campaign.

In addition to the anniversary branding, we have created and implemented a cross-media package of measures that thanks all those involved in the success and makes a contribution to decarbonization and biodiversity.

Elements of the anniversary branding

The anniversary logo impresses with the written-out number and the transistor symbol as a pictorial element. This look is complemented by a pattern in corporate design colors that was used as a background for graphics, animation or for exhibition walls.

We used these elements to plan and design trade fair stands, implement merchandising such as balloons and clothing and create an anniversary PowerPoint master.


Holistic branding for digitalization

Branding and digitalization topics are exactly our thing. We were able to combine both in this project. Our brief was to develop a strong branding for all the digitalization measures of a technology group. The project began with a workshop in which we developed the communicative storyline together with our client. In line with the storyline, our designers created a digital look, created infographics, developed an image pool and implemented various branding measures.

Insight into a comprehensive branding concept that was used for all of our client's digitalization measures.
Two people work and discuss in a data center. The image was used as part of the branding for all of our industrial customer's digitalization measures.
A GIF showing the various icons created as part of a large branding project.

Design for all digitization measures

A holistic digitalization strategy encompasses processes, products and working methods in companies. To ensure that every employee and stakeholder knows exactly what they can do to drive digitalization forward and position the company for the future in the best possible way, key messages need to be brought to the point and communicated in a catchy way using straightforward design, digital tools and design elements and the right imagery.

Digitalization look, branding and motion design

The creatives and designers at IndustryAgents supported the client’s digitalization team with strong designs and gave the communication measures a digital touch with animations, music and films.

Bavaria Schweißtechnik

Corporate design and photo shoot

Our customer’s patented submerged arc welding technology makes weld seams particularly robust and creates a perfect bond between the materials that can withstand extreme external factors. Bavaria Schweißtechnik is a globally active industrial company specializing in welding flux and welding wire. In this project, it was important to retain the essence of the traditional branding already established on products and in various markets, but to modernize it gently.

The image shows our customer's product overview, consisting of welding flux and wires, which were created as part of the product shoot that we implemented as an agency.
The image shows the logo of our industrial client for whom we implemented a soft relaunch of the corporate design.
An employee from the quality control department posing for the industrial company's photo shoot.
An insight into the modernized web design of the industrial customer.
An insight into the images from the product shoot for our customer in the welding technology industry.
We have implemented several successful social media campaigns for our industrial client, both visually and editorially.
Overview of the new, modernized corporate design that we implemented as a design agency for our industrial client.

Creation and realization of a photo shoot

Images convey emotions and show the professionalism of production and the quality of the products. They are therefore a very central component of brand impact. We staged the products and the team for this customer. From the planning of the shoot to the realization and post-processing of the resulting images.

Relaunch of the website and corporate design

IndustryAgents was also the agency of choice for the modernization and search engine optimization of the website as well as the implementation of the product catalogs. We also designed the business stationery and created and implemented an image brochure and social media posts.

Technology campaigns

Campaigns on energy efficiency, IoT and mobility

We have implemented several global campaigns on behalf of a technology group. From creation, design and editing to the realization of animations and films.

Campaign creation and design

Our creatives and designers developed and implemented an editorial and visual concept for these campaigns. The look was chosen to fit in with the company’s branding, but still stand out and reflect the themes. Key visuals, motion graphics, social media animations, videos, icons and infographics as well as a comprehensive landing page are a central component.

Semiconductors increase energy efficiency

Semiconductors are small electronic components with a big impact. The latest semiconductor technologies make more out of less. They generate, transport, store and process energy more efficiently. The energy efficiency campaign explains the best possible use of energy within the entire energy chain and shows which technological solutions are forward-looking here.

Implementation of a marketing campaign on the subject of energy efficiency.
Various claims for our energy efficiency campaign

Semiconductors make mobility clean, safe and smart

Semiconductors ensure that mobility functions smoothly and is fun, that vehicles become more environmentally friendly and that transportation is safe. The campaign provides an in-depth understanding of the role of semiconductors in the mobility of tomorrow and positions our customer as a technology leader in this segment.

Campaign visual: Mobility of the future
View of a PC showing various impressions of the mobility campaign, taken in our creative agency.

Semiconductors are at the heart of the Internet of Things

Semiconductors are the enablers of the Internet of Things. This is because electronic components supply devices with energy and computing power, give them the senses to perceive their environment and initiate actions directly, and enable communication. The campaign raises awareness of the importance of semiconductors for the Internet of Things and positions our customer as a one-stop-shop partner for IoT solutions.

The key visual of the Internet of Things campaign.
Visual mood board of the Internet of Things campaign
Technology campaign on the topic of IoT

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EBV Elektronik – TQ Magazine

Technology content marketing campaign

On behalf of an electronics distributor, we have been producing the magazine series “The Quintessence” for many years. As a digital and print magazine, online platform, app, social media campaign and podcast. Reading this magazine gives you a comprehensive overview of technology trends and tells you which solutions you should focus on.

Creation and editing of the technology magazine

We immersed ourselves in many worlds as part of this project. Each issue is dedicated to a future market. What are the trends and most exciting applications in this area? Which technological solutions and specifically which electronic components are state of the art here? We are topic scouts and editors, organize interviews with personalities such as James Dyson and Eugene Kaspersky, write varied articles, design the magazine, create social media campaigns and videos for it and implement the app and online platform.

Insight into the content marketing customer magazine of a client from the semiconductor industry, which was implemented by our creative agency.
Insights into the digital customer magazine from the semiconductor industry, which we implement as a digital agency as part of content marketing for one of our industrial customers.
An open customer magazine as an example of a successful content marketing strategy.

Visual storytelling and digital design

Every issue is an eye-catcher. We develop varied color concepts and design the stories in such a way that their core message is highlighted. We implement the magazine’s digital presence with animations, interactive elements and sophisticated usability in such a way that readers have the best possible reading experience and our client benefits from it in the short and long term.

Long-standing customer relationships and awards

Our most important goal is satisfied customers. In this customer relationship, which has lasted for over twenty years, we are valued as doers and creatives. We contribute new ideas and our contacts, write texts in such a way that they inspire both engineers and laypeople, design in a well thought-out and eye-catching way and manage this project in a straightforward and focused manner.

And of course we are delighted that the grand jury also likes our work: the project has already won more than 20 awards.

Various issues of the customer magazine, which our creative agency has been successfully producing for many years in collaboration with an industrial customer from the semiconductor sector.

Technology topics in which we are experts

Our team of creatives, specialist editors and art directors has recently focused on these topics: Sustainable Energies, Edge Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Connectivity, Robotics, Smart Cities, Sensor Technology, Autonomous Vehicles, Digital Motor Control, Renewable Energies, Security, Internet of Things, Smart Grid, Building Automation, Healthcare, Cloud Services, Wearable Electronics, Industry 4.0, Consumer Electronics, Functional Safety, Smart Things, Automotive, RFID Technology, LED Technology, Semiconductors, Autonomous Driving, Human Machine Interfaces and Passion for Technology.